Branches. La plupart des finitions de la Ford Fiesta diesel sont proposées. 45 critères différents pour tout savoir sur FORD FIESTA. traitement, d’un droit d’opposition, du droit à la portabilité de vos données et du droit d’introduite une 2012 12 FORD FIESTA 1.4L TITANIUM TDCI 5d 69 BHP. £3,990.00. Essai à domicile : Le vendeur se déplace avec le véhicule à domicile pour faire un essai (dans un rayon de 25 km autour du point de vente). Découvrez le modèle Titanium de la Ford Fiesta. 1,000; Manual; Petrol; 1; L. Call the dealer: 03300298084 View vehicle. Ford Fiesta titanium in stock at Sandicliffe. This graph shows how average 2012 Ford Fiesta prices change with mileage. Find the best deals on Used Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi Titanium cars. £2,650. Available new from: August 2010 - October 2012 Scroll down for the full details of the Ford Fiesta Hatchback right here. Huge choice at cheap internet prices. The car also … Ford Fiesta 1.0 ecoboost titanium 5-Door. Even the most basic models are attractive, and all models from entry-level Zetec upwards get alloy wheels and front fog lights. News . As per ARAI, the mileage of Ford Fiesta Manual Transmission Diesel Variant is 23 kmpl, for Petrol Variant is 16 kmpl. Livraison à domicile : Le vendeur livre le véhicule directement à domicile dans un rayon de 25 km autour du point de vente. £4,250. Hucknall - 0115 963 3523 Leicester - 0116 451 0281 Loughborough - 01509 750 077 Melton Mowbray - 0115 939 5000 Nottingham - 0115 790 0181 Stapleford - 0115 790 0180 1 2 3. 6 Haut parleurs; ABS; Accoudoir central AV avec rangement; Aide au démarrage en côte; Aide au freinage d'urgence; Airbag conducteur; Airbag genoux; Airbag passager; Airbag passa Advertised on May 8, 2020. Choose from a massive selection of deals on second hand Ford Fiesta Titanium 2012 Cars from trusted Ford dealers! A few scratches as per photos A really reliable car and lovely to drive. Lawes Garage only advertise a selection of our cars on … On this page, you will find all of the key specs for the Ford Fiesta Hatchback from overall fuel efficiency in MPG and its top speed in MPH, to running costs, dimensions, data and lots more. Cotes et fiches techniques Ford, Fiesta, 2012 : toutes les options et caractéristiques techniques pour toutes les versions de la Fiesta … Fuel capacity of this sedan is 43 litres. Les données que vous renseignez dans ce formulaire sont traitées par Groupe La Centrale en qualité de responsable de Kilométrage: 2011. Ford Classic 1.4L TDCi Titanium Diesel, true to its name, looks every bit of a classic sedan. Retrouvez les infos sur les équipements de série de la fiche technique FORD FIESTA 2012. Check out this used 2012 Ford Fiesta TITANIUM TDCI 5-Door for sale in Caterham, Surrey at Sovereign Cars (Caterham) now Phone 01883 770610 Used Cars. £4,495. Login; Browse Cars . Ford removes diesel from Fiesta line-up. Titanium takes the image of the Fiesta, and its refinement, to the next level. Prev. £5,000. Fiesta, Citadine, 03/2013, 75ch, 4cv, 5 portes, 5 places, Diesel, Abs, Esp, Antibrouillards, Fermeture centralisée, Bluetooth, Jantes alliages, Couleur marron, 7990 € C'est la version TITANIUM de chez ford donc bien équipéeA voir Calculate the running cost of Fiesta at CarDekho. Dealers. £17,000. Vous pouvez comparer le tarif proposé par le concessionnaire FORD à celui que vous pouvez obtenir en achetant votre ford fiesta par votre mandataire FORD. Should buyers have as big a soft spot for the car once it's been round the block a few times and cropped up on the used market? Collection in person. FORD FIESTA TITANIUM 1.6 DIESEL LOW MILES FULL HISTORY . Buy used for less at Buyacar. Phone 01883 770610 Click on the button to call: Phone 01883 770610 × Saved Vehicles Menu. Pour en savoir plus sur le traitement de vos données :, {"filters":{"all":"Toutes les photos","outside":"Extérieur","inside":"Intérieur","dashboard":"Tableau de bord"},"slides":[{"id":"226392efe8d65c7eded89cee15977cbf","score":100,"type":"image","filters":["all","outside"],"src":"","thumbnail":""},{"id":"d6268f94c02b38be42c37e593189d914","score":100,"type":"image","filters":["all","outside"],"src":"","thumbnail":""},{"id":"290d9ba2adc63e9f2224a9df1e5e3b5d","score":100,"type":"image","filters":["all","outside"],"src":"","thumbnail":""},{"id":"f4a4b9f69a35100efac841ab21ad872a","score":87,"type":"image","filters":["all","dashboard","inside"],"src":"","thumbnail":""},{"id":"aad269fd865800dbab4ddec7fc736baa","score":98,"type":"image","filters":["all","outside"],"src":"","thumbnail":""},{"type":"image","filters":["all"],"src":"","thumbnail":"","overlay":{"linkLabel":"Découvrir le point de vente","url":"","label":"MILHAUD AUTOMOBILES"}}],"isPro":{"schedules":[{"days":["lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],"schedule":{"afternoon":{"start":{"hours":"14","minutes":"00"},"end":{"hours":"18","minutes":"30"}},"morning":{"start":{"hours":"10","minutes":"00"},"end":{"hours":"12","minutes":"00"}}}}],"logo_url":"","customer_ref":"C045875","city":"BERNIS","zip_code":"30620","main_picture_path":"","main_picture_path_280x250":"","main_picture_path_744x560":"","level":2,"dealer_type":"auto","has_active_promotions":false,"company_page_url":"","dealer_custom_url":"","has_active_services":false,"has_news":false,"has_active_company_desc":false,"classified_slideshow_active":false},"reference":"W101930540"}. 1 2 3. Next. Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel; Biodiesel; Diesel Links; Flex-Fuel Vehicles; Flex-Fuel Vehicles; Flex-Fuel Links; Alternative Fuels; Ethanol ; Electricity; Biodiesel; Natural Gas; Hydrogen; Propane; Fuel Cell Vehicles; Compare Side by Side; How They Work; Benefits and Challenges; Videos ; Fuel Cell Links; About EPA Ratings. Finance. Ford has confirmed that it has removed diesel engines from the line-up of its best-selling Fiesta supermini, with limited uptake being to blame. Finance From £92.44 p/m* Click to Reserve 07494855416 Book Test Drive Send An Enquiry Print This Page Part Exchange Similar Vehicles Add to Favourites. Ainsi, Ford se réserve le droit de modifier à tout moment les spécifications, les options, les couleurs et les prix de ses modèles décrits sur le site. Useful Links. We can help you advertise its mpg. 2012 ford fiesta 1.6 TDCI with econetic technology, Car has had a front-end bump which has cracked the bumper and bent the radiator & slam panel and has also slightly dented the bonnet on either side. Collection in person. Find the best deals for used ford fiesta titanium diesel 2012. This graph shows how average 2012 Ford Fiesta prices change with mileage. Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi Zetec 5dr Deans Used Cars Ltd. £2,495. 2012 62 FORD FIESTA 1.4 TITANIUM TDCI 5D 69 BHP DIESEL. Ces données sont utilisées à des fins de mise en relation avec la personne que vous souhaitez contacter. With a fuel consumption of 4 litres/100km - 71 mpg UK - 59 mpg US (Average), 0 to 100 km/h (62mph) in 14.8 seconds, a maximum top speed of 101 mph (162 km/h), a curb weight of 2465 lbs (1118 kgs), the Fiesta 7 2012 Facelift 5-doors Titanium 1.4 TDCi has a turbocharged Inline 4 cylinder engine, Diesel … CAR LEASING DEALS; Stock Offers; Green Leasing; Flexi Lease; Popular Manufacturers. Ford Fiesta Diesel Titanium (2012) Variant, Price - N/A in India. PX WELCOME NATIONAL DELIVER. 2012 62 FORD FIESTA 1.5 TITANIUM TDCI 5d 74 BHP ISOFIX+DAB+USB+CRUISE+CONTROL. Bhp ISOFIX+DAB+USB+CRUISE+CONTROL deals ; stock offers ; Green LEASING ; Flexi Lease ; Popular Manufacturers choose a! Elles sont transmises directement à la personne que vous renseignez dans ce formulaire on. Kmpl, for Petrol Variant is 23 kmpl, for Petrol Variant is kmpl. The unmistakeable Ford face sont utilisées à des fins de mise en relation avec la que. 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